Dagmar Van Weeghel The Netherlands, b. 1974


Dagmar van Weeghel (b. 1974, Netherlands) concluded her bachelor’s degree in Film & Photography in 1998, in the Netherlands Film Academy. After graduating, she worked as a TV & Film professional for some years. Later, she moved to Africa, where she lived for fourteen years between Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Botswana, Uganda, and South Africa, amongst other countries, working on nature conservation film projects with local communities, thus promoting a sense of connectedness that permeates through her work. Then, having experienced a large part of the continent, from its natural places to the people, she moved back to Europe and in 2015 on to photography as her primary tool for storytelling.


“I like to tell stories that matter, advocate for bigger things, stories which present the unknown, the strength of people- women & girls especially- and offer another perspective of the way people see the world and each other. I search for human connections. Most of my works are coauthored by the portrayed. I like to work with real people and real stories. And I try to construct a narrative that not only relates to the person I am photographing, but also relates to my personal life. I hope that through my work people feel a connection. A connection with the portrayed person or the story behind the portrayed." - Dagmar van Weeghel


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