ARCO Lisboa 2022: Group Show: Cristiano Mangovo, Dagmar van weeghel, Francisco Vidal, Patrick Bongoy, René Tavares, and Stephané E. Conradie

Cordoaria Nacional, 19 - 22 May 2022 

Through this project, the gallery aims to generate a dialogue between countries with colonial and historic affinities which reflects on the concept of decoloniality and seeks to promote a reflection on how contemporary African art has been affirming itself on a global scale. This statement has been verified either through the production of a disruptive discursive position in the context of a postcolonial debate that has remained for decades transversely marked by a certain blind Eurocentrism. A rooted theorization that stems from the processes of occupation and sharing of African territories by the colonizing peoples, which produced a unilateral reading of their influence on the cultural and artistic constitution of the colonized countries.

This project developed and curated specifically for ARCO Lisboa 2022, is an extension of the last editions of the art fair, occurred online, and reflects on the emergence of a critical vision of colonialism and the importance that the African diaspora - personified in these artists - the curatorial projects, researches, and documental studies assume in the production of a renewal of the historical discourse of art in contemporary times.

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